The Single Best Strategy To Use For metafora

The Single Best Strategy To Use For metafora

Blog Article

Метафорите најчесто се споредуваат со споредби. Една споредба е специфичен тип на метафора која го користи зборот „како“ во споредувањето. Метафората тврди дека предметите во споредба се идентични на точката на споредба, додека сликата само ја потврдува сличноста.

It is the one thing that can't be learnt from others; and it is also a sign of genius, since a good metaphor indicates an intuitive notion on the similarity in dissimilars."[51]

No suelen ser realistas, y representan de manera creativa y mediante una imagen simple un concepto más complicado.

Some current linguistic theories keep that language developed from the aptitude on the brain to make metaphors that connection actions and sensations to Appears.[five]

El autor trata de elevar las cualidades de su amada, comparando las lágrimas que le brotan al llorar con algo hermoso y tierno como un poema.

En estas audiodescripciones en museos para personas ciegas o con baja visión, las satisfiedáforas se utilizan para describir tanto el arte figurativo como el abstracto, mientras que algunas categorías de achievedáforas deliberadas se utilizan con mayor frecuencia para describir obras abstractas.

A combined metaphor could be the linking of two or maybe more disparate features, which can lead to an unintentionally comic result produced by the writer’s insensitivity for the literal that means of words and phrases or because of the falseness with the comparison. A blended metaphor could also be made use of with great usefulness, as in William Shakespeare’s

Во фразата „земји што припаѓаат на круната", зборот „круна" е метонимија за владетел или монарх.

In so executing they circumvent the situation of specifying one by one Every of the usually unnameable and countless traits; they steer clear of discretizing the read more perceived continuity of experience and they are Consequently closer to encounter and Therefore far more vivid and memorable."[27]

Метафората создава нови врски помеѓу поинаку различни концептуални домени, додека метонимијата се потпира на постоечките врски во нив.

Al comparar dos elementos no relacionados, las fulfilledáforas agregan la creatividad y la claridad a la escritura y a la habla cotidiana, permitiendo que veamos las cosas de diferentes ángulos y de manera nueva.

Metaphor can function a device for persuading an audience with the user's argument or thesis, the so-known as rhetorical metaphor.

Primerjalna teorija metafore ima svoje korenine prav tako v antiki, pri Aristotelu, Ciceronu in Kvintilijanu. Podobno kot Aristotel je tudi Ciceron zatrdil, da je metafora velik okras govora. Njegov učenec Kvintilijan je o metafori pisal v osmi knjigi svojega obsežnega dela Institutionis oratoriae in bil prav tako prepričan, da metafora zapolnjuje leksikalno praznino ali pa je v funkciji stilnega okrasa. Metaforo je imel za najlepši trop in dar narave, obenem pa je posvaril, da pogosta raba metafor lahko povzroči nejasnost govora, da je potrebno paziti na ustreznost metafor, da morajo delovati naravno in ne smejo biti vulgarne.

” In these conditions, Elvis would be using a simile, which makes it a little clearer that he’s not truly singing to a tragic Dog. But over the flip side, the rhythm wouldn’t be really as catchy.

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